How To Get Rid Of Dandruff?

Hi Everybody! I created this page because I want to share my knowledge. I was fighting dandruff recently, and I realized that absolute majority of people don't know much about it. If you came to this page, probably you're familiar with this:

how to get rid of dandruff 1

And this:

how to get rid of dandruff 2

That was my problem for long few years, I tried so many different shampoos, lotions and other stuff, but nothing really helped. I even bought some expensive book with "magic" method, but it also was waste of time and money. And finally old friend of my father told me about one dandruff home remedy. I tried it, and...THIS WORKED! It really helped me out, and since that I don't have dandruff at all. 

So I decided to write this method down and give it away to all people, who have the same problem. Download this PDF file here:

Hope this will help you same like it helped me.

how to get rid of dandruff 3

how to get rid of dandruff 4

Here is some general info about dandruff.

One-third of the world's population has a predisposition to the emergence of dandruff. This trouble worries men and women equally. No wonder that TV shows are full of advertisements of various anti-dandruff agents . Most recipes for dandruff in television commercials - it's shampoos from world famous manufacturers. I can offer you some unconventional folk remedies for dandruff , which are effective in fighting dandruff as well as the reasons for its occurrence, as well as hair loss.

Dandruff - the defeat of the scalp, which is characterized by the appearance of a large number of loose greyish- white scales on the skin. Delamination of the particles occurs over a relatively long time. Dandruff occurs most often on heads with abundant body hair . Sometimes referred to as dandruff , dry seborrhea , but it is a wrong definition. After all, with no dandruff seborrhea characteristic signs of hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands. However, dandruff is seborrhea companion. When dandruff due to hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands (sebum high) which is characteristic of seborrhea , flakes soaked with fat and start to exfoliate, become yellowish. Hair with fat and "dirty", often itchy scalp. After all, fat and fatty acids produced by its oxidation, obstruct the ducts of the sebaceous glands and sweat glands and irritate nerve endings. This can lead to thinning of hair and hair loss. According to experts one-third of the world population has a predisposition to the disease. This trouble worries men and women equally.

The causes of dandruff are quite diverse . Physiologically, dandruff occurs because of violation of the nature of the update cycle of cells of the scalp. Normally, the process of cell renewal takes twenty-eight days. At this time, the old skin cells remain on the head dead horny scales and gradually, unnoticed person peel. With a lack of vitamin A and group B, with no chronic diseases, mental tension or neuropsychiatric disorders occurring too fast regeneration of skin cells, which leads to the appearance of dandruff. The whole cycle of the natural exfoliation for the month is not more than a week means that we get a lot of scales, the number of which is much higher than normal, and therefore it becomes visible to the naked eye. Besides the above, the reason may be of dandruff disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine diseases and fungal diseases. An important factor in the appearance of dandruff is a genetic predisposition, that is the individual characteristics of the structure of skin and its sebaceous glands. A simple cause of dandruff - it's hair washing with very hot water, the use of low-quality shampoo and frequent drying with a hair dryer.